Dan Frazier
Born September 28, 1945. He received his BFA at the University of Colorado and remained in Boulder teaching Art in the public schools for 20 years. Leaving the teaching profession he started illustration in the Gaming industry in 1990. With the support of his wife Kathy, he managed to acquire enough work to soon become a full time illustrator. Dan learned Classical Academic Painting with oil in the manner of the Renaissance masters.
Now, he is a very happy artist who works out of the dining room in a new house that “Magic” built. He loves his life and is taking time to explore fine arts. If he were to retire, nothing he does in his life would change.
If you really want to email me try dfrazier at danfrazier.com

His Team
My team…. the people whom I respect and who help me do what I do.
Lisa is the owner of Mercury Framing. She has been my framer from even before the opening of her shop, Mercury Framing. She has solved many problems for me and made my clients very happy as a result.
Quality Custom Picture Framing | Mercury Framing | Boulder Colorado
Mark Aronowitz of Mark’s Artist Signature Service and Other Elves and Goblins has been a valuable source of advice and he can help you get signatures, card alters, playmats, and more.

Some of you want to know what magic card I am on.

I posed for Dwarven Nomad, painted by Mike Kimble. My image does not appear on any of my own MTG cards.

I am not the model for Solduvi Simulacrum but I do have white hair and a white beard.
Age of the Joker
EdGuy, a heavy metal German rock band asked me to do a CD cover for them. The result was “Age of the Joker”.

And in the Fall of 2011 EdGuy toured Europe, using the Joker image as the stage backdrop.